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Crater Law Solicitors Ltd
Courtwood House
Silver Street Head
S1 2DD

T: 0114 2792872
F: 0114 2792601

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Short visits

If you come to the UK as a visitor, you are generally permitted to stay for up to six months. You may come for a holiday, to visit family and friends, to receive private medical treatment, or for some other reason. For example, you may come for business, to attend an academic conference, carry out research, or take part in a particular sports event.

There are many reasons you may want to visit the UK for a short time and we will tell you whether the standard visitor visa is right for you and help you apply.

You must have enough money to support and accommodate yourself during your visit and to pay for your return or onward journey. There are also rules about what activities you can do while you are here.

It is important to try to give the Entry Clearance Officer the right kind of information on your application form to avoid unnecessary refusal. We can advise you about this and help you if necessary by writing a letter of support to send with your application.

Regular visits

If you need to visit the UK regularly over a longer period of time, you can apply for a long-term Standard Visitor visa that lasts 2, 5 or 10 years. You can visit for a maximum of 6 months in any 12 months.

The rules about supporting yourself and permitted activities are the same as for short visits.

Short courses of study

If your main reason for coming to the UK is to complete a short course of English language, you will need a short-term study visa (see Students).

Visa to pass through the UK in transit

If you need to pass through the UK on your way to another country, this is the visa you will need.