If you are here in the UK because you have been forced to flee your country or you cannot return home because you are at risk of persecution or mistreatment, we can help with your asylum claim.
If you have already been refused asylum but now have new evidence showing why you should be granted asylum, we can advise you about your chances of success if you make a fresh claim.
We will assess if you qualify for free legal help and representation through our Asylum Legal Aid contract.
If you are seeking free legal help and representation, we may be able to refer you to a firm who holds an Asylum Legal Aid contract.
Humanitarian Protection
If your asylum claim is refused, there may also be humanitarian or other reasons why you should be allowed to remain in the UK. we can look at the possible reasons and advise you of your chances of success.
Human Rights
Everyone in the UK and Europe has specific human rights that are protected by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).These include:
* ECHR Article 3: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
* ECHR Article 5: “Right to liberty and security.”
* ECHR Article 8: “Right to respect for private and family life.”
Sometimes we can challenge the decisions made by the Home Office (UKVI) on the basis of human rights. This includes cases where refusal of a visa or settlement will lead to family breakdown, such as the separation of a parent from their children.
It also includes cases of deportation, detention and revocation of leave to remain.